2020 Demo Reel
2020 Demo Reel
FXPAL: 20 Years
FXPAL: 20 Years
The Silicon Valley Simulation Cente
The Silicon Valley Simulation Cente
Tabletop Telepresence: Research + Design
Tabletop Telepresence: Research + Design
All Roads - Atom Bomb
All Roads - Atom Bomb
2020 Demo ReelI make short documentary videos that feature scientists and engineers discussing their work. Sometimes we work together to refine ideas or interactions through the medium. It’s amazing how revealing a video can be. At other times, I’m documenting the evolution or introduction of a new concept. In every case, I try to produce videos that give inventors the space they need to share their ideas.
FXPAL: 20 YearsFXPAL is a leading multimedia research lab established by Fuji Xerox in 1995. We inherited the innovative culture and far-sighted technological background of our parent company. We honor that tradition by fostering an open and collaborative environment of intellectual exchange.
The Silicon Valley Simulation CenteThe Silicon Valley Simulation Center is developing open source models that combine machine learning with collaborative intelligence to help decision makers and diverse groups of people solve complex ecological problems. We will gather these technologies within spaces that foster robust collaboration. Our goal is to design and build mission control centers for planet Earth.
Tabletop Telepresence: Research + DesignThe evolution of a research project.
All Roads - Atom BombMusic Video
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